When should this trip happen? I am thinking it could be the summer of 2014 or 2015. I am willing to do either or both. I can only go during the summer so that limits my availability.
What fears are keeping you from going?
*Showers? What if I could offer some options so you could shower every day.
*Food? What if I knew of some restaurants that offered food for tourists and I know you would like it. If you can eat rice, there is no problems:)
*Long flight? Well that I can't change but it is doable and sometimes you meet neat people.
*Shots? You have a year so you could get them slowly:) it's not more than you should already have anyway, just most adults don't keep updated.
*Housing? I know of options....nice hotels, nice family hosts, any kind of experience you would want.
*Diseases? I have been twice and I never felt there was a risk of getting anything.
*Medical treatment in Africa? There is an American ran hospital in Arusha. It has one of the best places for you to go if something happened.
*Money? If you feel a nudge to go, believe me the money will come. You have one or two years to start saving. I did it in 6 months....you can do it to!
*Time? I am thinking two weeks would be a good first time trip. 4 days of traveling and 10 days of visiting. Believe me the time goes fast!
Are there any other fears? Ask me....maybe I have an answer. My biggest message to you is don't let fear keep you from an amazing experience!
If you are interested at all, let me know so we can talk. You can reply to my blog, send me a message on Facebook, text me at 608-577-6288, or email me at lamayfield1010@gmail.com.
I cannot wait to see what God has lined up for the future. Will you be on board?
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