My African journeys began at a Living Water Church concert in 2006. My family and I attended an evening of African music and dancing with the New Life Band.

I had never been to a cultural event like that, so it was an out of the ordinary occasion for us. As the night progressed, the band shared their story with us. They shared how they met, how they use a music ministry in Africa, and why they were in America raising money for their mission. The New Life Band were not strangers to our community, in fact our Pastor had met them when he lived in Tanzania. The band came to our church because of their personal relationship with him. So I knew from the beginning that these were special people to our church. As I listened to their story, I became very intrigued with their new dream….to build a secondary school in a small village outside of Arusha. They talked about the poverty of their country and the lack of education offered to the people there. Children are offered an education during their primary years only. Secondary education, similar to our high school years, was only for those who could afford to pay for an education. The New Life Band felt a deep desire to help change their country by offering an education to those who couldn’t afford to go to school.
After the band left Wisconsin, our church decided to gather a group of people to take a mission trip and help build their school. Right away, something inside of me was pushing me to say yes and go on this trip. At first, I thought I was nuts for even thinking about it. I finally brought it up with my family and they all wanted to go. So…..we signed up, along with 20 other people, for a 3 week trip in the summer of 2007.
This first mission trip was quite the adventure for me. I will never forget the new experiences such as flying for 22 hours, taking the bumpiest eight hour bus ride to the capital city of DarSalam, staying in different band member’s houses, building bricks by hand, and the three day safari.
We had gone on several vacations, but I wouldn’t have traded this unique experience with my family for anything. I remember on our trip thinking this was a one -time deal. I could not see myself ever stepping this far out of my comfort zone again. I didn’t consider myself a missionary so I didn’t see a reason to ever go on a mission trip again. At the time, I didn’t realize the impact our trip would have on the lives of the people in Tanzania. (I will reveal more throughout my blogs on the lives that were changed because of this first trip.)
I don’t know why this opportunity came across my life. I am so thankful that I didn’t pass it up and think my life was more important than this chance to touch others. After I came back from our first trip, something began to happen in my heart. That transformation is leading me into going on another trip to Tanzania. However, this time not to build a school, but to teach in the school. I believe God has put a desire in my heart to help all people get an education. As I get to know God’s heart better, I am starting to change mine. I am finding that as I go with him to the hard places of the world, He is helping me see more of the bigger picture.
Hey that's me! I'm so excited for you. You're awesome!