One way my heart stretched over the past five years was facing some misunderstandings about my purpose. One of the biggest doubts that I wrestle with in my mind is “How can I really make a difference?” Seriously….what do I have to offer? I have had to learn to change my mindset and realize that what I consider small might be significant to others. I am learning to look at the big picture and realize it might not be all about me.
I like this song on You Tube: My Own Little World
People often ask me, “Wouldn’t the New Life Band School benefit more if you sent them $5,000 rather than going there for a few weeks?” I remember asking other missionaries this exact question. To help me understand the answer, I think about two relatable stories.
First, imagine that you have children and your family lives far away from the children’s grandparents. The grandparents decide they are coming for a visit in the summer. Your children are so excited about the visit! They are already planning lego time with grandpa, cookie making with grandma, trips to the park and cuddling up to favorite Disney movies. Their excitement shows how much they love and treasure their grandparents. Then you get a call and the grandparents decide they are too busy, so they cancel the trip. However, they want to send a check for the expense of the trip so you could buy something for the kids in place of the visit. Think about how your heart just sinks and that dreadful conversation with your children. No amount of money can replace the quality of time spent together. Children don’t want money, they want love.
The New Life Band School and all our Tanzanian friends need to know that someone cares and there is hope. Sometimes working in a third world country feels like emptying the ocean with an eyedropper. So we need to help encourage the work the New Life Band is doing in Tanzania. Yes…they need money and they are always grateful for any amount donated but our relationship is much more valuable to them.
My second scenario I keep in mind is how America is perceived by others. When people in third world countries think of America, it is the ultimate place in the world. They dream of the life here. America is….the land of the free, the land of riches, and the land of opportunity. So, when an American comes to their country it is like seeing a piece of richness. Imagine what it would feel like if the President wanted to have dinner at your house. He was willing to leave his luxurious home and catered gourmet meals to enter your country house and eat your hot dog and macaroni cheese dinner. He just wanted to talk and hear about your life. If this happened… would never forget it! The President would be taking time out of his busy schedule and important life just for you. That is similar to how the people of third world countries feel when we go there. We give up our luxurious life and venture out of our comfort zone into their lives. They have nothing of material to offer us and it means so much to them when we are willing to visit, serve, and share time with them.
I read a book recently by Katie Davis, an 18 year old girl who gave up her American life to live in Uganda, Africa. The book is called Kisses From Katie and I love this quote, “God reminded me again that I have one purpose in Uganda and in life, and that is to love.” So I ask myself, “What do I really have to offer?”…….LOVE!
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