On December 30, 2012 a challenge came my way. When I attended the Sunday service at Heartland, I had no idea the influence Andy Stanley’s “This ONE Thing” would have on my life in 2013. As Andy taught on the story of Nehemiah,I remember wondering if I had ever read this story because I never thought of the wall concept before. Andy challenged us to figure out what our ONE thing would be this year. It was as if he was personally asking "Will you, Lena, climb the ladder?" "Will you stay on the wall until you finish what’s in your heart to accomplish?" As I listened to his concept of the wall, I had no idea what my one thing would be.
Three days later, I was reading a daily devotion from Every Day A Friday by Joel Olsteen, about the same story of Nehemiah. Joel presented the same concept of building the wall. He was clear about how in order to stay on your wall, you needed to stay focused on the main goals God has put in your heart. Was it coincidence that the same story and same concept showed up twice in the same week?

I officially decided on January 3, that my wall would be returning to Africa and helping teach at the New Life Band School. Little did I realize at the time, that Nehemiah 6:3 “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down”, would become the foundation on my decision to go to Africa.
Climbing the ladder and deciding to go was just the first step. According to my vision, everything seemed like it was pointing to a perfect mission trip. We held our first meeting and 12 people were interested in going right off the bat. It seemed we had the ideal team of teachers, college students, family, and friends who wanted to go. After only two weeks, I came to the conclusion that staying on this wall and going to Africa was going to be easy. The momentum was growing strong as people signed up to go, money opportunities started to open up, and my students decided they wanted to do something also. I found myself coming alive with excitement on the inside as the planning began.
But of course, often when things seem too good to be true, it usually is. I soon found myself facing all the distractions and doubts that were trying to knock me off the wall. I had no idea that in the months ahead I would constantly be encouraging myself with…
“My wall is to return to Africa so.....
I AM going to go
I Am Going to help the New Life Band
I AM qualified
I HAVE something to offer
I AM doing a great work
and NOTHING is going to bring me down......
NOT finances
and NOTHING is going to bring me down......
NOT finances
NOT fear
NOT doubt
NOT worry
NOT discouraging words
NOT frustration
NOTHING is going to bring me down off this wall!”
I like how Joel puts it, “You don’t have time to come down off the wall. You need to choose to stay focused on what you’ve been called to do. You have a destiny to fulfill. You have an assignment to accomplish. You will complete your wall!”
Tommorrow.... my first big distraction.
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